About TheMoneyCoach.net, LLC

TheMoneyCoach.net LLC is a financial education company that specializes in creating customized financial wellness solutions for organizations ranging from non-profits and universities to government and Fortune 100 companies.

Our mission is to form partnerships with organizations and key individuals that promote financial wellness, and increase the financial literacy of individuals, couples and families worldwide.

TheMoneyCoach.net has been the financial content engine behind highly impactful campaigns for financial products, services and initiatives. You may have already noticed our work and seen our impact in:


Spokesperson campaigns

National TV, radio and print media

Digital content

Social media

Live workshops

Virtual seminars

Media Training

TheMoneyCoach.net LLC was co-founded by Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, The Money Coach, a personal finance expert and New York Times bestselling author and Earl Cox, a publishing industry veteran and literary agent.

Click here to schedule a call to discuss your organization’s needs.